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Starting to regret picking up an Xbox Series X? This new controller will at least let you pretend you’re using a PS5 DualSense

as Microsoft is bringing more and more of its games to other platforms, you may feel some buyer’s remorse, but the new third party Xbox Series X supervisor can help.

Last November, Xbox launched a new campaign under the slogan.This is Xbox“, we’re talking about the actual Xbox, your TV, your phone, your laptop. In fact, it says that you can play Xbox games anywhere, even if it’s not technically an Xbox. It makes the point of owning an Xbox a little bit more. It’s controversial, so I would understand that , if you feel like you want to buy a PS5 instead of seeing who Sony it seems he has no intention of bringing his games to anything else PCand only two years after the fact.

Watch it on YouTube

Fortunately, you can soon at least help yourself feel like you’re not playing Xbox, even if you actually are (I think I could make a drinking game out of all the times I’ve written about Xbox here). It’s CES 2025 right now, one of the biggest tech shows around, and peripheral manufacturer Hyperkin has announced a new Xbox controller. It’s called Rival, and you can see it looks a little familiar in the video above.

The controller is clearly designed to look like the PS5’s DualSense, with a level of side-by-side analog sticks, clear plastic buttons, and a sleek white and black design. If you took a quick look at it, you’d probably think it was DualSense! But the Xbox logo button in place of the touchpad quits the game pretty quickly.

You can also use Rival (big name by the way) on PC, so if Xbox is really your PC, you’re sorted there! Now all we need is an Xbox-themed PlayStation controller and we’re good to go.

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