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Pokemon GO Gigantamax Lapras Max Battle

Pokemon Go 2024 Gigantamax Lapras Releases Gigantamax Lapras as part of Max Battle Day. Gigantamax Lapras comes as a powerful Tier 6 Max Battle Boss. Those who win against it can be awarded a Lapras that can Gigantamax.

Pokemon Go Gigantamax Lapras The Gigantamax Lapras Max debuts from the start of Battle Day Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 14:00 local time. Winners of the Max Battle can also obtain Shiny Lapras, which owns Gigantamax. But since Tier 6 Max Battle Bosses are powerhouses, you can’t defeat them on your own. You have to team up with 10 and 40 players and make sure each one has powerful Gigantamax Lapras counters. However, this guide covers the best Gigantamax Lapras counters, weaknesses, how to get Shiny Gigantamax Lapras, and more.


Pokemon GO – All Ditto Skins (December 2024)

You can find and catch Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in December 2024 by following this detailed guide.

Pokemon GO Max Battle: Weaknesses and Resistances of Gigantamax Lapras

Pokemon GO Max Battle Gigantamax Lapras Best Counters

Gigantamax Lapras dual Su and Ice-type Pokemon. Dual typing equips the Gigantamax Lapras with a number of weaknesses and resistances. To choose the best Gigantamax Lapras Max Battle counters, you must first learn about them Pokemon Go.

To join the Max Battle you need 800 Max. A part is needed, these are deducted only if you win. To participate, it is required to be within 80 meters of the Power Spot; ranged combat is not allowed.

Weaknesses of Gigantamax Lapras in Pokemon GO

Gigantamax Lapras Resistances in Pokemon GO

  • Water-type Moves
  • Ice-type Moves

The best Gigantamax Lapras counters in Pokemon GO

You must team up with 10 to 40 players with powerful Gigantamax Lapras Max Battle counters. Only Dynamax or Gigantamax can enter Pokemon Max battles; you cannot choose a standard Pokemon as a counter. Only Gigantamax or choose With Dynamax Pokemon Pokemon Go Moves that fall on Gigantamax Lapras’ weaknesses. Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Rock-type Pokemon with the same move types can trigger the Same Attack Bonus (STAB) and deal the most damage to Gigantamax Lapras.

Gigantamax Lapras counters

Fast Movement

Loaded Movement

Gigantamax Toxicity

Spark (Electric Type)

Wild Charge (Electric type)

Gigantamax Venusaur

Grape Whip (Grass Type)

Crazy Herb/Sunbeam (Grass-type)

Dynamax Machamp

Counter (Battle Type)

Dynamic Punch (Fighting type)

Dynamax Toxtricity (Ampere/Low Switch)

Spark (Electric Type)

Wild Charge (Electric type)

Dynamax Venusaur

Grape Whip (Grass Type)

Crazy Herb/Sunbeam (Grass-type)

Dynamax Falinks

Counter (Battle Type)

Super Power (Fighting Type)


Pokemon GO: How to beat Giovanni (December 2024)

This guide details how to find and beat Pokemon GO Giovanni Shadow Pokemon list for December 2024 with powerful counters.

Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Gigantamax Lapras

Pokemon GO Max Battle Shiny Gigantamax Lapras

Gigantamax Lapras Max Battle winners can also face Shiny Gigantamax Lapras in it Pokemon Go. However, a Brilliant encounter is not guaranteed; only Standard Lapras can spawn. You need to win several Gigantamax Lapras Max Battles to match the shiny odds faster.

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Pokémon GO


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