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Pokemon Gen 10 Can Pay Homage to Gen 1 With One Regional Fake

as Pokemon series sees a massive selection of creatures grow with each generation, it’s only natural that revisions of existing species to newly constructed designs are more common. In a franchise now defined by regional variants and the newer concept of convergent evolution, there’s more potential than ever for out-of-focus or forgotten Pokemon. With one in particular there is already a history of new versions, but the next set Pokemon the headlines could easily link it to a popular urban legend in the community.

There are a few rumors that stick around, like the impending union of darker themes with certain Pokemon, but few are as popular as the story of rival Raticate dying. Pokemon Red and Blue. Between this creepy connection Lavender City’s Pokemon Tower and Gen 10’s regionally inspired potential to introduce a Ghost-style version of the Raticate could be years of rebuilding.


Pokemon Gen 10 Beginners should avoid the Sword and Shield route

There’s a lot of room to get creative with Pokemon Gen 10 starters, which means Sword and Shield should avoid a misstep.

The Rattata Line Are Great Candidates For New Variants

Following the trend of convergent evolution

Since the introduction of regional forms in Gen 7, several Kanto Pokemon have received multiple iterations in games released since then. It went further with his debut convergent evolutions Pokemon Scarlet and Violetsomehow a breath of new life to the likes of the Tentacool line. Generation 10 is practically guaranteed to come with its own new kits for older designs, and Raticate will follow the trend of repeat jersey buyers.

with examples like Pokemon Meowth with Alolan and Galarian variantsAlthough Diglett is an Alolan and convergent version, there is a clear pattern of interest in Kanto species being refreshed. Having a particularly strong theme, the Rattata family does some of the most meaningful things to further the idea.

The ghost-type Raticate take may refer to the infamous Gen 1 urban legend

Rumors spread that Ilham of the rival Ratikat died in Lavanda town

This may seem pretty morbid due to the title’s age rating of origin, but Pokemon Red and Blue‘s dead Raticate theory is a persistent fixation of fan fiction. It has some obvious issues with the lore sequence, but it does show that the player can accidentally cause their opponent’s Raticate to die after defeating them in SS Anne, as they later appear in Pokemon Tower without any Pokemon on their team. It’s not hard to imagine a Ghost-type spin-off based on this source material, as the story of a trainer who can’t find the Pokemon Center in time could be adapted into the new origin. Following the example of the ghostly Marowak found in Lavender Town, the vengeful or ghostly spirit of the fallen Raticat is a solid foundation for an entirely new convergent rather than a simple regional form.

Linking to Gen 10’s Rumor Zone and Binary Type Roles

If the validity ends there rumors about Pokemon Gen 10 regionThere is a chance that somewhere like Greece could be its base. Touching on mythological figures like Hell or plague threats from history, such as the spectral Ghost/Normal-type Raticate lurking in ancient temples that seem like signs of plague, feels like a fitting entry. There’s also a case for Ghost/Poison-types due to the rats being infected, as that niche has only been filled by the Gengar line for decades. Hisuian Zoroark, with its bitter, tragic theme, is the only representative of Ghost/Normal so far, making the potential of the evil and capable new Raticate an ideal approach.

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