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Pokemon Fan Shares Bug/Ground-Type Eeveelution


  • Reddit uses a dual-type eeveelution to divide the views of Pokemon fans.

  • Eevee Fanart is coming from the inspiration for looking for underground evolving insects.

  • Recognized artist by creating various Eevee evolution; Squirmeon is not the best choice.

A Pokemon Fan Created an interesting Eeveelion that converts CORLIN into a binary bug / ground type. It is an interesting turn, because Eevee is divided by any binary evolution, but also according to how it looks. Pokemon the ideas of fans.

Now that Pokemon Gigantamax, Regional Forms, Paradox Pokemon, etc. It has created unique evolution and forms for numerous Pokemon, and it is natural for fans to take the idea and run with it. However, all these unique options were different from the Eevee, too much before Has numerous evolution that it can be converted. This turned Eevee into one of the most popular pokemons giving new evolution, and this is one of the most recent examples.

In connection

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Pokemon Go has finally announced a great game change that meets the society for a long time.

Reddit user shared some new fanart, which converted the In-Progresspokemon, Eevee’s Bug / Ground Type. The one Dual-type eeveelion Squirmeon is called Squirmeon, named for inspired appearance from the new insect. Pokemon is primarily brown with bright blue eyes and covered with mud. However, the fact that most fans, which are, there are insects divided into segments, like worms wrapped in his limbs and neck, and the tail is like a giant grub. As expected, the appearance felt some fans a little slip, some considered it completely charming.

The artist understands the new look of Eeveelusion

In-ProgressPokemon shared a story that describes how this evolution developed for Eevee and why it looks like this. In-ProgressPocemon imagines that Eevee spends a lot of time digging to eat underground insects, it can happen to the Eeveelution. Thus, Squirmeon would be really good in drilling and most of the time would have completely carried the place. This explains why he looks like he was covered in the mud and a representative of the blue eyes Eeveelion Often, it does not have very good vision because it is underground. Pokemon can also keep nutrients in parts of the body and tail that seemed to be worms, which can be used in difficult conditions.

Although these special eeveelution is mixed with ideas, the fan-artist is not alien to create better adopted designs for Eevee. In-Progresspokemon shares the eevehe fan, including dual-type eeveluctions in the past and has creative ideas behind them. In view of the Eevee has not received a new evolution for a long timeFans would probably like to see one of the designs of this artist to become a reality. However, Squirmeon may not be at the list between the works of the artist.

Pokemon-game series


Pokemon is a franchising that does not need any presentation. Pokemon games, one of the most successful media empires in history, television, films, mangoes, goods, music, etc.

created by

Satoshi Tajiri

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