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Star Wars: The Skeleton Crewthe latest Disney+ show in the franchise premiered two episodes earlier this week, and so far it’s been doing well with most critics and fans. It’s also a throwback to the simple, breezy Star Wars adventures, complete with puppets and cool costumes, and all that jazz, giving the galaxy more color and texture.
Now we’ve also got the full in-universe song (at least I hope it’s used) featured in the series’ main trailer: a Huttese cover of Peter Schilling’s “Major Tom” (lyrics included).
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Mind you, Star Wars has never shied away from the weirder, stranger side because it’s such an important part of its core DNA, but recent Star Wars shows Focusing mostly on over-the-top stories and more serious characters, the softer tone of Skeleton Crew is kind of a golden opportunity to have a blast in the sandbox without being tied down to bigger stories. Think of the silliest Tatooine parts of The Phantom Menace, A New Hope, and Return of the Jedi, but following the missing Amblin children has become an entire show.
Such energy was already fully absorbed earlier this year Star Wars Outlawsa game that’s at its best when it’s all about encountering shady individuals and soaking up the chill of cantinas and locales full of everyday people and criminals. While the first episode of the show took a while to get going and focus on the peaceful world, the second episode has all the thugs and slimy types you could want and then some, and I hope it continues for the rest of the season.
Anyway, you can watch/listen to ‘Youngee Wim (Bunky Dunko)’ in full below:
As you can see, Lucasfilm and everyone who worked on this song were completely faithful here as the Huttese lyrics actually tell a story that has nothing to do with ‘Major Tom’ other than following the same structure and using the same music. It’s really creative, and it fits perfectly with the 80s vibe that series creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford were going for. By the way, it seems that “Bunky Dunko” means “house” in the Hutt language.
“Bunky Dunko” and “Jee Jee At Attin Haspivaka” are also really funny puns whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, really silly things that make Star Wars feel 100% Star Wars. As with the output of movies and shows from the Disney era, it’s hard to argue with a straight face that the franchise is as out of favor as ever. We can debate the writing quality and uneven production values all day, but the vibes and ambience continue to be impeccable!