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Nintendo Switch 2 launch titles: these games almost certainly aren’t that, but they definitely should be

This happened. Nintendo Transition 2‘s era of being technically an unannounced thing that everyone and their mother knows is over. the announcement we’ve all been waiting for.

So now we’ve seen the hardware, but there wasn’t much in the way of revealing what games we could play on it at the start, even with a large number of games. speculation about such a thing recently.

So, with that in mind, here at VG247 we’re pretty sure that some games don’t really have a chance of being Switch 2 launch titles, but in an ideal world, we’re sure they would. You know, a Lionel Hutz from The Simpsons takes pictures when he dreams that there are no ambulance chasers.

Conker’s Bad Fur Day, you cowards

It’s time for Nintendo to look back. Do something that has never been done before – embrace your past. No, not beautiful, comfortable pieces without flowers with huge breasts, the concept of drinking, or a giant opera-singing pile of s**t. It’s time to use all the extra processing power and gizmos of the Switch 2 to deliver the 2001 N64 classic. Jonker’s Bad Fur Day back into the arms of Ninty fans.

Sure, the suits will take one look at it and immediately seek therapy, but Xbox has proven that it’s possible to give a modern audience a bit of Conker like Nadir Replay, and certainly a bit of corporate platforming. – Now more than ever, he can join the likes of Turok and others Perfect Darkness Things that got Switch releases like the N64. Turn the squirrel to face the Switch 2. You know what you want.

Surprise! Xbox 360 exclusives are finally becoming less exclusive

It’s all Xbox now, right? So logically, the Switch 2 is also an Xbox. This startling revelation is sure to be true to some extent, new and recent Microsoft-made games are more or less a dead cert to appear on the platform, but “we can get weirder with this” is basically VG247’s assurance, So here we go…

There’s an entire generation of gamers who never owned an Xbox 360 and thus never knew the joys of gaming classics like must-play sequels. Tale 2original Saints Rowor Sonic Free Riders (hey, I have to assume that was a thorn in the side of at least one Sonic completist, somewhere). It’s worth remembering that during the 360, Microsoft was so furious with the rights to some popular and up-and-coming IPs that they weren’t even allowed to have their own PCs as Xboxes. How time changes.

What we’re suggesting here is simple: an end to Xbox 360 exclusivity, bypassing the all-too-obvious option of remastering any of these games for Microsoft’s current-gen hardware, and instead leaving them all as they are on Switch 2. Ninty will look great; games will be protected; and Microsoft can keep calling everyone else’s consoles Xbox. Everyone wins (except maybe Sony).

Mario looks at the Odyssey ship, which has been running for months in Super Mario Odyssey.
Sorry Odyssey, you are so good. | Image credit: Nintendo

Forget what 3D Mario Ninty is up to, we need Super Mario Galaxy 3

Look, this might be a little hot for some, but I think so Super Mario Odyssey it was just so good! It had some fun challenges, I thought the world of Dark Soulsy was pretty funny, it just didn’t have enough of that magical whimsy. Super Mario The galaxy leaked. So I think they should make another one and it should go right out the door. Think about it: when was the last time you were happy? That’s right, your childhood! And it’s all thanks to Super Mario Galaxy, one of the most delightful 3D platformers around.

The soundtrack, the planets, the surprisingly sad backstory, and the utterly existentially terrifying ending? Nintendo doesn’t go that way with Mario anymore and I think that’s a shame. The third entry in the Super Mario Galaxy series will likely be seen as a nostalgia gimmick, and that might be fine, but I’d much rather have that than struggle to reinvent 3D Mario (besides, Nintendo did it with Bowser’s. Fury is, if we’re being more honest, the Mario game that most deserves some follow-up). Think about it, Nintendo, though your console will be out in a few months. I’m sure you can make something easy!

Forget modern Mario altogether, we need another release of Super Mario 64

Like Oisin, I would love to see a Super Mario Galaxy 3 one day. There’s one 3D Mario game I’d like to see more of on the Switch 2, though, and that’s it Super mario 64again. I say it again because Super Mario 64 has made its way to a good number of Nintendo consoles in one way or another since the game’s conception. We got Super Mario 64 DS, which has its own cool little features for veterans and newcomers alike to enjoy, and then that version became available on Wii U via Virtual Console. Plus, we got Super Mario 3D All Stars for Switch, which not only features Super Mario Galaxy and Sunshine, but also Super Mario 64.

And for the Switch 2, I want to see Super Mario 64 re-released with the Nintendo DS treatment; no fancy collections or re-releases, just Super Mario 64 Switch 2 or something a little fancier than that.

Forget the new 3D Mario game, forget Super Mario Galaxy 3, and forget Mario and Sonic’s mediocre Olympic events. I need another excuse to play Super Mario 64 again, and this time I have to play it as Yoshi on the Switch 2.

Wei Shen on a motorcycle in Sleeping Dogs.
We will do anything please. | Image credit: Square Enix

Sleeping Dogs 2 because come on man

It’s not fair. We’ve gone this long without a sequel to perhaps the greatest game in Hong Kong and a hero of all time named Wei, and now we’re even dreaming of one. Slumbering canines starring Donnie Yen Shattered by the brutal reality of Hollywood, which does not fully appreciate its GTAs.

Nintendo, come on. Please tell Square you owed so much to bring you high-end Switch 2 games that it panicked, momentarily forgot it owned Final Fantasy, and greenlit a second Chinese triad undercover cop case before it could think of it. Seriously, I can’t think of a better platform Sleeping Dogs 2 to debut. It has a screen, buttons, everything. No other game can make these and all the new gizmos look like this.

Sonic and Mario Summer Wii Sports Winter Olympics

Famously, the Nintendo DS was built to withstand being dropped from a kid’s pocket, but with the Switch 2, Nintendo has to take things a step further to really impress us.

The new hybrid console offers an unparalleled opportunity for immersive, Olympic gaming.

I’ll accept real, thrown disc events, but I’ll settle for a console used as either a bat or a ball in table tennis.

Unfortunately, downhill skiing should be a multiplayer-only event because you have to wear a console on each leg.

Some characters in Shin Megami Tensei 4.
Image credit: Atlas

Shin Megami Tensei 4 + Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse Mega Pack

There are vague and unsubstantiated rumors about Shin Megami Tensei 4, and it (perhaps the better “B-side” spin-off) Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse will be coming to the Nintendo Switch some time. These two games—perfect entries in Atlus’ RPG series—were locked away on the 3DS, vaguely forgotten about, and now unavailable for purchase thanks to the shutdown of the handheld’s eShop.

It’s a crime, I tell you. Criminal! Both titles are perfect executions of how to do a proper dungeon crawling RPG at this age. Both titles revisit the golden age of apocalyptic noir in such interesting ways, and both made minor tweaks to the MegaTen formula that would eventually find their way into either the Metaphor Refantazio or Persona series. Therefore; the two titles are just as important to Atlus as the wonderful MegaTen 5 re-release we saw last summer.

It would be great to see Nintendo and Atlus team up to bring these titles back into our hands in a meaningful way, and if Switch 2 is just going to be “Switch, but better”, I can see fun and interactive ways. while keeping the touchscreen working, it also gives us real estate to see what’s happening on the other screen. I know it’s a difficult task for Nintendo to port 3DS titles to the Switch, but we’ve seen games excel in this area elsewhere; Monster Hunter Generations, Hyrule Warriors Legends Definitive Edition, Resident Evil Revelations, and Layton’s Mystery Journey are a few examples that come to mind. It can be ported and is important in my opinion.

The time has come, PC gamers. Nintendo should capture all your sweaty shooters and also Starcraft

You know, like many of you, I saw that video of someone allegedly using a Switch 2 joycon as a mouse. Although this is another fake clip on top of the fake Switch 2 leak pile, it got me thinking. Why not get some PC bangers on Switch 2? I, for one, would like some Counter Strike 2 or Assessment in the console.

Now, before you all laugh, there is no PC interaction. Obviously. I, like you, don’t want a Switch 2 Awper responsible for sticking round. This is ridiculous. But why not with Valorant on consoles? Why not bring the Switch into the realm of tactical shooters. If you’re 30 years old and think you’re not going to be outdone by a 12-year-old on the Switch, I’ve got news for you, my friend. The future is now and you are not in it. All you have to look at is the way Fortnite mobile players perform actions on other players as evidence of this.

Games like this, which have been seen as a PC title for years, could make a breakthrough. While we’re at it, why not get into other PC games with some Switch love? Starcraftfor one. In the next few years, if I see someone pull out their Switch 2 at the airport and Zerg rush down the road, I’ll know we made it.

So here are the games we’re desperate to see as Nintendo Switch 2 launch titles. They won’t be, but life is a constant cycle of unbridled hope, and often a little disappointed by the reality of comparison, the bit of hope that makes it both so fascinating and soul-shattering.

This is often the case with new console releases, but hopefully Nintendo will deliver something great even if we won’t be playing these games out of the box.

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