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Longest FPS Video Game Remakes

Video games have been a medium that has spawned many legendary titles and franchises over the decades at this point. Since some of these games are quite old, some players may not have experienced them. There are aspects of these games that probably don’t fit the modern environment, the most obvious being the graphics.


The best FPS games that can keep you busy for months

Gamers with a lot of time to kill with a fun FPS might want to check out the following games.

Rebuilding the game is a way of reintroducing an old video game to a modern audience, a modern landscape, or both. And first-person shooters in many genres have always been insanely popular, with some titles actually dating back decades. However, some of them were reworked, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, but nevertheless breathed new air into the series.


Counter-Strike: Source

A Game With Time Length Dependent On The Player

Counter-Strike: Source

First person shooter



The Counter-Strike series has seen its fair share of weird games Counter-Strike Nexonfor Counter-Strike NEO. Counter-Strike: Source It was Valve’s attempt to remake the original Counter-StrikeAlthough it’s now often referred to as its own standalone game, it makes sense given that it took more than two decades to make a direct sequel to the original.

5:08 a.m


The best games like Counter-Strike

Counter-Strike stands out as one of the best tactical FPS games.

Counter-Strike Source length is openBeing a competitive multiplayer game, it technically has no end. Players can play as long as they want, be it five hours or thousands of hours. It can be argued that its length ended in 2012 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was considered a new game in the series, but even now people can go back and continue to play CS: Source, because it has no definite end.


Rise Of The Triad (2013)

7 Hours 30 Minutes



He was released



Interceptor Fun


First person shooter

Rise of the Triad Since its release in 1995, some different versions have been released. Recently, the Rise of the Trinity: Funny Edition was released as a remaster of the original. However, the 2013 game is simply titled Rise of the Triad, It was a remake of the original game, aiming to replicate the 1995 game.

The player can move at high speeds, the level design is non-linear, and there are a variety of weapons to use in fighting enemies. The game will take about seven hours on average to complete, and additional side content can add to that, increasing the time to eleven hours. For completionists, the game can be a decent time taking up to thirty eight hours to complete.


GoldenEye 007 (2010)

7 Hours 30 Minutes

GoldenEye 007 Remake

He was released

November 2, 2010

The James Bond the series has seen its fair share of video game entries going back decades at this point. The most legendary among them was the 1997 game. Golden eye 007 For Nintendo 64. Since it’s such a beloved and legendary game, it would only make sense to remake it at some point.

A remake in 2010 Golden eye 007 released, simply called Golden eye 007, For Wii and Nintendo DS. The remake has some changes compared to the original, such as the use of Daniel Craig James Bond Instead of Pierce Brosnan, however, it still allows players to interactively play through areas of the film. There are different number of weapons for the player to use and progress through the game. The the game usually takes seven hours It can take up to sixteen hours to complete, while also enjoying side content.


Black Mesa

15 hours

Black Mesa


Valve is one of the most legendary gaming companies to succeed equally legendary games has stood the test of time. From the various franchises they created, Half-Life it is the most famous for being one of the most influential games ever. As a result, its remake would appear sooner or later.

The name of the facility where the game is held, Black Mesa is a remake of the original half life with stunning visuals as its immediately obvious feature. It’s a very faithful remake of the first one half life bringing the original terrains, enemies and weapons into a modern re-imagining in keeping with the legacy created by the original game. This is not a very long experience either lasts about fifteen hours it lasts around eighteen hours while focusing on the main story and completing the side content. Its length may be the result of a remake of a 1998 game, but that doesn’t negate its viability for anyone who enjoyed the original or wants to get into the game. Half-Life series, must play Black Mesa.


System Shock (2023)

16 Hours

System Shock (2023)

The 1990s saw the release of various games that gained legendary status and became some of them the most effective games to be created with System shock is one such example. Released in 1994, it became a beloved game that is often talked about as a must-play title when discussing the all-time greats.


The 10 Darkest Sci-Fi Games, Ranked

These sci-fi games give players terrifying scares ranging from existential crisis, terrifying monsters, and compelling dark motifs.

As a result of such definitions, the creation of a remake was a natural consequence. Released in 2023, the remake also received high praise for what made the original great, while being updated for a modern landscape. Being a remake of a game released in 1994, its length is not that long compared to some modern video games, only it takes about sixteen hours to complete. However, side content can increase this playtime to around twenty-four hours, while the completist can take up to thirty-three hours, making for a good game flow.


8 Best Modern Shooter Games Using PS1 Style Graphics

Modern hardware makes FPS games look amazing, but some developers still prefer the old look. Here are some titles with PS1 style graphics.

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