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James Gunn Has Good News For DC’s Elseworlds


  • DC Studios Elseworlds will now have an opening logo

  • Gunn supports creative flexibility in his Elseworld tales

  • The uncertainty surrounding the choice of logo for Elseworlds is likely Batman-centric

James Gunn’s DCU is now in full throttle. But another DC realm under his watch as CEO of DC Studios, Elseworlds, will achieve a more subtle distinction from the mainstream. DCU in his own way animated boot logo.

DC Comics has a habit of releasing stand-alone stories and alternate themes that do not follow canon continuity, most famously with Kingdom Come and Superman: Red Son. In the past few years, several Elseworlds film projects, such as the adult animated television show, Harley Quinn — recently started its fifth seasonjoker, Batman and Penguin. However, the universe lacked an official designation, and the birth of the new DC Universe threatened to confuse the general audience regarding the timeline of DC events, both canon and otherwise.


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In response to a fan’s question about why he likes some non-DCU projects Penguin and Harley Quinn no new DC Studios logo or fanfare added, About James Gunn Threads responded that while all film projects from DC now fall under the DC Studios banner, executive changes, among other factors, prevented the inclusion of fanfare for older projects such as DC Studios. Harley Quinn. All DC television and film projects are now under DC Studios. Since Harley Quinn was developed long before us, we didn’t think it was fair to put the DC Studio fanfare in there. At Penguin, which we had a small hand in developing, we have a different DC Studios (animation) at the end,” he said. The director also added:We are currently working on the opening of DC Studios Elseworlds.

This will not be the first time Gunn would solve the Elseworlds problem. In late 2023, he denied any inconsistency with the former DCEU, further stating that while the DCU would be the home of most DC stories, the occasional Elseworld tale would appear, but that they would have to be “exclusive”. He repeated this intention a year later Happy Sad Mixed podcast, Elseworlds emphasizes the importance of creative flexibility in exploring alternate versions of DC characters through their stories. Similarly, in the same year, Safran clarified the timeline during the announcement of the first chapter of the DCU, Gods and Monsters. He explained that while the DCU exists in a multiverse, the focus will be on a single universe within that multiverse, and “if something isn’t the DCU, we’ll make that very clear.”

For now, it’s unclear what James Gunn intends to use for the DC Elseworlds brand. However, his choice of Joe Shuster, Superman breaking the yoke of chains, as the new logo for DC Studios proves once again that he loves to be classic. It’s unlikely he’ll choose another Superman-themed emblem for Elseworlds. With this in mind Batman effectively launched the Elseworlds imprint with Batman: The Holy Terror In 1991, it remains central to its success with popular titles such as Batman: Gotham by Gaslight and Batman: Red Rainfans won’t be surprised if Gunn chooses a Batman-focused animated montage of heroes to introduce the Elseworlds sub-universe.


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DC Comics Elseworlds stories take place in alternate versions of the DC Universe, and these alternate Superman stories are all-time classics.

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