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Haven’t I seen you somewhere before? 2024’s best games were pure nostalgic comfort food, and sometimes that’s what you need

I recently realized with alarm that I spent about 2% of 2024 playing Ace attorney. Not only is it 2% of my free time, it’s not even my time awakeTo be clear, however, the whole percentage was mine alive In the game in 2024 Ace Attorney. But honestly, what can you expect from one of my favorite series, in a year where five almost-lost games have been remastered and re-released for modern systems, doubling the amount of Ace Attorney available to modern audiences in just eight months?

I don’t regret taking both as a basis Apollo Justice: The Ace Attorney Trilogy (released on January 25, total completion time: 105 hours) and Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (released on September 6th, total completion time: 60 hours) as soon as you get a chance. Ace Attorney was shot as one of the last two times in the primary remastered collections brought the series to home consoles, it gives me great satisfaction to know that I’m now hooked on all 10 core games of the franchise, and I’m sure other fans in my position feel the same way.

But the trade-off for spending an entire calendar year with a 1-in-50 chance of playing Ace Attorney at any moment was that — perhaps unsurprisingly — nothing else made as big of an impression on me in 2024.

At first I attributed this to 2024 being slightly closer to the morning after the night before, with the “night before” in question being all of 2023. By the middle of last year, I had already announced about 20 games as possible GOTY candidates, and I hadn’t even met Baldur’s Gate 3 yet. It was just one amazing was a year for new games, and 2024 was always going to pale in comparison. But as this year draws to a close, I’m appreciating the fact that if I was a little metaphorically hungry at the start, my miracle treat of choice was essentially a Full Monty Ace Attorney roast for breakfast – and that probably dictated it. how much appetite I had left for other things.

Cover artwork for the Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy and Ace Attorney Studies Collection showing how many characters appear in 2024.
A truly all-you-can-eat buffet of unusual yet beloved anime archetypes… 26 mysteries we solved it together this year.Image credit: VG247 / Capcom

That’s not to say I wasn’t impressed by any other release this year, far from it. I especially liked the funny one about a little boy in an unfamiliar town who goes out of his way to help everyone, like a fish out of water: I was intrigued that this description could equally apply to this surreal indie comedy gem. Thank goodness you’re here! and Sega Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealthwas a great RPG sequel, and yet it was friendly enough to newbies that it made me understand my history of scaring the crap out of me. Yakuza (You might say I’m not shy anymore…LAD!)

It also deserves an honorable mention Little Kitty, Big Citythe Gas Game– likewise about a slush black cat who gets lost in the really unfriendly streets of an unnamed, pastel-colored town. This game has been on my most anticipated list for three years, and when I finally got to play it in 2024, I was delighted to find that it was everything I hoped it would be.

And it was on a completely different note Mouthwasha retro-styled indie in the body horror subgenre that I usually leave as soon as possible, but ends up being the best example of original game writing I’ve had all year.

The grateful inhabitants of Dondoko Island raise their hero Ichiba into the air in celebration. | Image credit: Coal Dinner / Panic

But to be honest, there’s no rhyme or reason to my attention this year, no real narrative implications I can draw from any trend I’m invested in—except for the notable exception of how many major remasters are released throughout the year. A ridiculous amount, which you can see listed as part of our highlights VG247 Alternative Gaming Awards.

So yes, declaring this year’s duo of Ace Attorney remastered collections as my own personal GOTY is a totally selfish choice of heart, but it’s Christmas, a time when we need to be extra honest and celebrate what makes us happy. And it made me want to spend the main week of this year in the inimitable company of Apollo Justice and Miles Edgeworth to solve crimes and challenge the nonsense of opposing counsel. extremely happy.

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