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Elden Ring Best Weapons For Faith Build

Perhaps the reason why so many Tarnished remain maidenless these days is that they lack Faith. A trip to the Dragon Communion Church or a healthy dose of papa bless from Turtle Pope Miriel won’t suffice in boosting Faith. Tarnished must instead commit to hurling heaven’s wrath at their foes or immolating themselves to be a competent man or woman of the cloth in Elden Ring.

If that doesn’t help, a holy big stick certainly will, assuming prayers and god’s wrath don’t dent that red bar. That’s because the Elden Ring community has proven that Faith builds can be just as busted as dedicated magic or bleed builds. For that to happen, it’s time to pump up that Faith and collect these holy (or blasphemous) weapons and smack some belief into those maidenless enemies.

Updated January 4, 2025 by Erik Petrovich: In Elden Ring, the best Faith builds use some of the game’s most iconic weapons (and oftentimes the most broken weapons, like the Blasphemous Blade). But the significance of some of these best Faith weapons Elden Ring players can get might go unappreciated and misunderstood if you don’t pay attention to the item descriptions. In Elden Ring, Faith weapon item descriptions tend to reveal information about the people who once wielded them, or the Gods and Demigods the weapons once took the form of. This guide to the best Faith weapons in Elden Ring has been updated with slightly modified item descriptions that shed light onto the origins and history behind each option, giving players who want to learn more about Elden Ring lore a basic overview of the significance of each weapon.


Greatsword of Damnation

Golden greatsword that once pierced the body of Midra, master of the manse.

Used by the hornsent in the execution of a damnation like no other.

The barbs that pierce the victim from within wind gently around the blade.

Stat Requirements

Strength 20, Dex 15, Faith 20

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (E), Faith (D)

The Greatsword of Damnation
is one of the more than a hundred new weapons introduced in the Elden Ring DLC, but one of the few that scales with Faith and deals about 1/3 of its total damage as Holy damage. This Greatsword is the very same one wielded by Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame in his boss fight, and though it doesn’t deal Madness buildup on hit, it’s sure to drive your enemies crazy with its Ash of War.

If you successfully hit an enemy with the Golden Crux skill, they will become impaled on the weapon just like Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame
, and you will perform a smarmy little emote after a successful grab. This weapon was used by the Inquisitors to punish Midra, now you, too, can make your opponents beg for the pain to cease – “enough… I have endured… enough”.

Greatsword of Damnation Ash of War: Golden Crux

Golden Crux is the default weapon skill for the Greatsword of Damnation, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 21 FP to cast, and 10 FP to follow up its leaping “grab” with barbs that burst out of the pierced target or in the immediate area if you miss the leap.

Leap up and skewer foe from overhead.

If successful, the weapon’s barbs unfold to excruciate from within.

Otherwise, additional input releases barbs in the area.

How To Get Greatsword of Damnation

To get the Greatsword of Damnation, Elden Ring players must defeat Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame, and trade his Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame with Enia at Roundtable Hold. You do not have to pay any Runes to acquire this Greatsword from Enia.


Blade Of Calling

Weapon Skill: Blade of Gold

Dagger given to one who set out on a journey to fulfill her duty long ago.

The power of its former owner, the kindling maiden, is still apparent.

The one who walks alongside flame, shall one day meet the road of Destined Death.

Stat Requirements

Strength 6, Dex 13, Faith 15

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (D), Faith (C)

Many consider the Blade of Calling
an inferior weapon compared to its edgier and darker counterpart, the Black Knife. However, Blade of Calling still gets additional points for style due to its weapon skill, Blade of Gold. It shoots a golden arc projectile at the enemy in one smooth and graceful animation.

That isn’t to say the Blade of Calling is a poor weapon—it actually has a more reliable poise, break, and interrupt compared to the Black Knife. As long as players aren’t using it for PvP, it’s safe to make the Faith build revolve around this weapon.

Blade of Calling Ash of War: Blade of Gold Skill

Blade of Gold is the default weapon skill for the Blade of Calling, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 20 FP to cast.

Leap into the air, charging the armament with golden flames that are then shot at the enemy as a single, blade-like projectile.

Inflicts holy damage.

How To Get Blade Of Calling

On the Grand Lift of Rold, which leads to the Forbidden Lands, turn to the southwest and turn it on to raise the elevator. After a second or two, you should see a level that you can jump onto – jump off the elevator and look for a hallway where the Blade of Calling can be found on a table.


Golden Order Greatsword

Weapons Skill: Establish Order

Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself.

Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order.

Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.

Stat Requirements

Strength 16, Dex 21, Faith 28

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dex (D), Faith (C)

The Golden Order Greatsword
is one of the legendary armaments in Elden Ring and it takes a while before players can obtain it. It’s the Faith version of the Dark Moon Greatsword, except the weapon skill is worse since it does not grant a prolonged infusion to weapon attacks.


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Still, the Golden Order Sword is flashy, and pretty, and can permanently kill undead enemies once they die under this weapon. It also deals more damage to enemies and a lot of players are hopeful that they’ll see some extensive usage for this weapon in the upcoming Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree.

Golden Order Sword Ash of War: Establish Order Skill

Establish Order is the default weapon skill for the Golden Order Sword, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 20 FP to cast.

Raise the armament in a salute, releasing a golden explosion.

Repeated inputs send out waves of golden light.

How To Get Golden Order Sword

The Golden Order Sword can be acquired by defeating the Misbegotten Crusader in the Cave of the Forlorn
, a dungeon in the Consecrated Snowfield.


Godslayer’s Seal

Weapons Skill: Boosts Black Flame spells

Sacred seal of the Godskin Apostles, inlaid with obsidian.

Said to represent the manipulation of black flame, this catalyst enhances godslayer incantations.

Stat Requirements

Strength 4, Faith 27

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Faith (C)

The Godslayer’s Seal
ought to be a staple weapon for some rebellious pyromancers in the game who have resorted to dirty tactics against gods. The Godslayer’s Seal will strengthen Godslayer Incantations, namely the Black Flame, Black Flame Ritual, and Scouring Black Flame.

All three spells are quite useful against bosses, especially since each hit guarantees a damage-over-time trigger. This damage-over-time also scales with the target’s HP, much like the Black Knife’s weapon skill. Stacking up the buffs for such incantations via the Godslayer’s Seal makes them more powerful.

How To Get Godslayer’s Seal

To get the Godslayer’s Seal, head to Stormveil Castle, specifically the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. Nearby there should be a door locked behind a Stonesword Key
Imp Statue. Unlock the door with one key to get the Seal and a spellbook.


Gravel Stone Seal

Weapons Skill: Boosts Dragon Cult spells

Sacred seal made from Gravel Stone thought to be an ancient dragon scale.

The worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the Erdtree.

After all, this seal, and lightning itself, are both imbued with gold.

Stat Requirements

Strength 4, Faith 18

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Faith (C)

Faith builds in Elden Ring also get to unleash their inner dragons with the plethora of Dragon Cult Incantations in the game. They’re mostly dragon variants of lightning skills, meaning they’re astonishingly powerful and flashy. Players will do well to stack up buffs for such a build.


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That means the Gravel Stone Seal
is a must-have for anyone committing to the more furious dragon lightning spells. There are a lot of them, and some of them can even be abused to one-shot certain bosses with specific builds.

How To Get Gravel Stone Seal

The Gravel Stone Seal is found in Leyndell, near the Fortified Manor (the mirror version of the Roundtable Hold). Just outside there should be a Cleanrot Knight wielding a spear – defeat this specific Cleanrot Knight to get the seal.


Erdtree Seal

Weapons Skill: None

A formless sacred seal decorated with an Erdtree crest, once the focus of religion in the Lands Between.

Even though the Elden Ring is shattered, and the Erdtree has dulled from its former radiance, earnest faith continues to hold the answers.

Stat Requirements

Faith 40

Base Scaling

Faith (C)

Of course, there’s always the more direct approach for a Faith build, which is to stack up incantation scaling with the highest universal multiplier or additive available. That boost would be the Erdtree Seal
and its reserve for the most faithful of Elden Ring builds.

Apart from requiring a hefty 40 Faith, it’s also one of the few seals in the game that reaches S scaling for Faith once it’s fully upgraded. So, for many players who aren’t running specific or niche Faith builds, then the Erdtree Seal will perform with flying colors as a default choice.

How To Get Erdtree Seal

The Erdtree Seal is found on a corpse near the Omenkiller (Volcano Manor)
world boss near the Prison Town Church Site of Grace in Volcano Manor.


Golden Halberd

Weapons Skill: Golden Vow

Weighty halberd forged of gold.

Wielded by the Order of Tree Sentinels, heavily equipped knights.

A masterfully crafted weapon that lives up to its heft, but is difficult for one mere human strength to wield.

Stat Requirements

Strength 30, Dex 14, Faith 12

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (E), Faith (D)

Turns out one of the earliest bosses in Elden Ring holds the key to the humble beginnings of an overpowered build because he drops the Golden Halberd
as a reward. It’s a slow weapon, but the reach and the Golden Vow
buff will surely turn some Confessor or Prophet heads.

Because the Golden Halberd is, first and foremost, a Faith weapon, the holy damage is also great for turning undead into dead. This is because holy damage works like a permanent sleeping pill for those guys. Late-game, the split damage might pose some problems against bloated resistances and defenses, but that’s easily offset by the Golden Vow buff.

Golden Halberd Ash of War: Golden Vow

Golden Vow is the default weapon skill for the Golden Halberd, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 40 FP to cast.

Skill passed down from antiquity among the knights of the capital.

Raise armament aloft and pledge to honor the Erdtree in battle, granting self and nearby allies increased attack power and defense.

How To Get Golden Halberd

To get the Golden Halberd, players must defeat an old nemesis: the Tree Sentinel
. Specifically, head back to the beginning of the game in Limgrave near the Church of Elleh and defeat the Tree Sentinel that serves as the first “boss” of the game.


Giant’s Seal

Weapons Skill: Boosts Giant’s Flame incantations

Sacred seal depicting the one eyed god of the Fire Giants, adorned with braids of red hair.

Sacred seal wielded by Fire Monks and Prelates, this catalyst enhances Giants’ Flame incantations.

Stat Requirements

Strength 4, Faith 14

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Faith (C)

The Giant’s Seal
, true enough to its name, is a gargantuan boost to Incantations. With its +25 and 80 Faith, it gives a whopping 300+ buff to Faith spells. The downside is that it can only be acquired during the late game, but the payoff is worth it; it’s a worthy replacement for other seals.



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More than that, the Giant’s Seal also has a passive effect where it buffs the damage of Fire Giant Incantations. Only a handful of these are in the game, and they’re all powerful, especially when paired with talismans that boost Incantations and fire damage.

How To Get Giant’s Seal

The Giant’s Seal is found deep in the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave
in the Mountaintops of Giants. There is a room deep in the dungeon that contains a Troll – once you find it, drop off of either side of the platform in the middle of the room to find another room with a Fire Prelate. Fight or avoid the Prelate and find the Giant’s Seal on a body in a nearby room.


Halo Scythe

Weapons Skill: Miquella’s Ring of Light

War scythe of the Cleanrot Knights who fought alongside Malenia, Blade of Miquella.

This was the weapon of commanders in Malenia’s army, and the half-halo blade deals holy damage.

Stat Requirements

Strength 13, Dex 16, Faith 15

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (D), Faith (E)

Initially, Halo Scythe
starts off with terrible Faith scaling, but it goes up to D at the maximum upgrade level, which makes it somewhat decent. The weapon skill is perfect for switching between fighting styles as it’s a lethal ranged halo projectile that can be tough to evade.

The range is certainly longer compared to the Ash of War version, making the Halo Scythe ideal for this kind of weapon skill. The downside is that the scythe does not work well in enclosed and cramped areas, so players will need to bring a close-quarters substitute.

Halo Scythe Ash of War: Miquella’s Ring of Light Skill

Miquella’s Ring of Light is the default weapon skill for the Halo Scythe, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 11 FP to cast.

Summon Miquella’s shining halo and fire it forwards.

Can be fired in rapid succession.

How To Get Halo Scythe

To get the Halo Scythe, you have to grind Cleanrot Knights. The best places to farm this weapon are either the Heart of Aeonia in Caelid (the deep swamp where the remnants of Malenia’s army remains), or the The Shaded Castle
(which is home to several Cleanrot Knights near its end).


Frenzied Flame Seal

Weapons Skill: Boosts Frenzied Flame spells

Formless sacred seal bestowed by the maiden of the Three Fingers.

This seal is the mark of the Lord of Frenzied Flame.

Stat Requirements

None (!)

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dex (E), Int (E), Faith (D)

Obtaining the Frenzied Flame Seal
Seal can be a daunting process as it requires a dedicated Chaos playthrough (and pursuing this kind of ending will cancel out all others). However, given how overpowered Frenzied Flame Incantations are, this seal is more than worth it.

This is because the Frenzied Flame Seal has a passive bonus that buffs all Frenzied Flame Incantations. This can lead to some busted combos because part of the advantage in Frenzied Flame spells is their low FP cost. Tarnished will just need to be careful of the Madness build-up.

How To Get Frenzied Flame Seal

The Frenzied Flame Seal is rewarded at the end of the Frenzied Flame questline involving Hyetta
. Finish the questline and speak with her to get the Frenzied Flame Seal (but be sure to do it before setting everything on fire).


Dragon Communion Seal

Weapons Skill: Boosts Dragon Communion spells

Formless drakeblood seal with a dragon communion crest.

The sacrificial devouring of the heart gives power.

Indeed, Dragon Communion is too primal in nature for the term “incantation” to be appropriate.

Stat Requirements

Faith 10, Arcane 10

Base Scaling

Faith (D), Arc (C)

The Dragon Communion Seal
is similar to the two seals above. It’s also a specialized off-hand casting tool for Dragon Communion Incantations. The only tricky part about obtaining it is that players need two Stonesword Key
s to unlock that dungeon in the starting area.


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The scaling is also quite weird, but, in hindsight, it fosters some kind of Fire/Bleed hybrid, making it good to use with busted weapons like Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear
. In any case, the Dragon Communion Seal also boosts some nifty fire spells that scale well into the endgame.

How To Get Dragon Communion Seal

The Dragon Communitoon Seal is found in the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave
near the start of the game. Get halfway through the Hero’s Grave and look for a side room to escape to while dodging the chariots. The Dragon Communion Seal is found on the body of a Banished Knight in this room.


Erdtree Bow

Weapons Skill: Mighty Shot

Longbow featuring Erdtree styling.

In times of old, when faith and battle went hand in hand, this weapon was created in tandem with the Golden Arrow.

Stat Requirements

Strength 8, Dex 12, Faith 14

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dex (E), Faith (D)

Who says holy archers aren’t a thing? The Erdtree Bow
begs to disagree. It’s a bow that deals higher holy damage than physical, eliminating the need for special arrows. In the right hands, and with some proper adjustments, it can allow a fully-fledged bow build, which is quite rare in Souls games.

The Mighty Shot Ashes of War also allows players to deal with shielded enemies and even dish out massive damage to some bosses. It’s a shame that it can’t be replaced, but the weapon skill isn’t that limiting anyway, so it’s always a welcome addition to any player’s arsenal.

Erdtree Bow Ash of War: Mighty Shot Skill

Mighty Shot is the default weapon skill for the Erdtree Bow and can be altered. This skill costs 6 FP to cast.

Archery skill performed from an oblique stance.

Ready the bow, then pull the bowstring to its limit to enhance the power of the shot, penetrating the enemy’s guard.

How To Get Erdtree Bow

The Erdtree Bow is found in a chest in the Erdtree Sanctuary. After heading outside and climbing the roots to the second floor, head back out through the door to your right. Jump off the side to the left, climb the rooftops to a broken window, and jump inside to find the chest.


Black Knife

Weapons Skill: Blade of Death

Dagger once belonging to one of the assassins who murdered Godwyn the Golden on the Night of the Black Knives.

A ritual performed on the oddly misshapen blade imbued it with the power of the stolen Rune of Death.

Stat Requirements

Strength 8, Dex 12, Faith 18

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dex (D), Faith (D)

The Black Knife
is the Destined Death version of the Blade of Calling
, and it’s in many ways better than its golden cousin thanks to the weapon skill. Blade of Death is a red projectile that, on hit, will reduce the target’s HP by 10 percent for 15 seconds.


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That’s not all. On top of dealing damage, it will also deal additional damage over time. It’s like a miniature version of Maliketh’s explosion ability. To that end, it can be deadly and troublesome to deal with in PvP. In PvE, it’s great for whittling down boss HP from a safe distance.

Black Knife Ash of War: Blade of Death Skill

Blade of Death is the default weapon skill for the Black Knife, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 25 FP to cast.

Unleash the power of the Rune of Death to fire off a blade-like projectile.

In addition to dealing immediate damage, the blade reduces the enemy’s maximum HP and continues to wear down HP for a while.

How To Get Black Knife

To get the Black Knife, you must defeat the Black Knife Assassin in the Altus Plateau. This one is found just outside of the Sainted Hero’s Grave
near the middle of the zone, just to the west of the Rampartside Path Site of Lost Grace.


Envoy’s Long Horn

Weapons Skill: Bubble Shower

Long golden horn of the Oracle Envoys.

Profoundly heavy, its blows are sure to be felt.

Originally an instrument, but one that cannot be sounded by a mere human.

Or perhaps it is too early to sound the call.

Stat Requirements

Strength 23, Dex 11, Faith 18

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (D), Faith (C)

Don’t be put off by the ridiculously comical weapon skill; Envoy’s Long Horn
is a superweapon in the right hands. The skill will rain down a hailstorm of golden bubbles that will deal Holy damage upon contact. Against large enemies or bosses, this is the go-to Faith boss killer.

The damage scales well with high Faith, and that makes the Envoy’s Long Horn a good sidearm for builds that utilize Blasphemous Blade
. If not for the weapon skill, then the horn itself is useful for bashing enemies with strike damage, which is useful against all enemy types.

Envoy’s Long Horn Ash of War: Bubble Shower Skill

Bubble Shower is the default weapon skill for the Envoy’s Long Horn, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 16 FP to cast.

Blow on the horn to release a spume of magic bubbles. The bubbles float gently before raining down on the target.

How To Get Envoy’s Long Horn

To get the Envoy’s Long Horn specifically, players must kill the Large Oracle Envoys until it drops from them. You can tell the correct enemy because they are actually wielding it themselves. Pump up your Item Discovery and grind to get this unique weapon.


Sacred Relic Sword

Weapons Skill: Wave of Gold

Sword wrought from the remains of a god who should have lived a life eternal.

Thoughts on what the weapon portends are many and varied.

Some consider it the mark of a great sin, or a sign of great devastation.

Some think of it as the end of an age, while others; the beginning.

Stat Requirements

Strength 14, Dex 24, Faith 22

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dex (D), Faith (D)

The Sacred Relic Sword
is one of the final weapons players get to unlock. It requires the soul of the final boss in the game. Luckily, those expecting this sword to be worthy of its cost won’t be disappointed. The Sacred Relic Sword is one of the best farming weapons in the game.


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It’s all thanks to the Wave of Gold weapon skill. This will unleash a wave of golden light that travels forward and outward, dealing massive area damage. Against those Albinaurics in the fan-favorite Mohgwyn Palace farming spot, this weapon is at the top of the food chain.

Sacred Relic Sword Ash of War: Wave of Gold Skill

Wave of Gold is the default weapon skill for the Sacred Relic Sword, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 42 FP to cast.

Imbue the sword with bygone golden glory, then fire it at foes.

A wide, golden wave fans out forwards, sweeping through all enemies caught in its path.

How To Get Sacred Relic Sword

To get the Sacred Relic Sword, players must beat Elden Ring and trade the Elden Remembrance
with Enia at Roundtable Hold for it.


Maliketh’s Black Blade

Weapons Skill: Destined Death

Maliketh’s black blade which once harbored the power of the Rune of Death.

A sad shadow of its former glory.

After a fragment of Death was stolen on that fateful night, Maliketh bound the blade within his own flesh, such that none might ever rob Death again.

Stat Requirements

Strength 34, Dex 12, Faith 20

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dex (E), Faith (D)

Maliketh’s Black Blade
is a larger and heftier version of the Black Knife. It thus has a similar weapon skill but with a lot more area damage and a longer windup. The skill, Destined Death, is a large explosion that releases multiple red blades.

Any enemy caught within the explosion radius will have their HP reduced by 10 percent for 15 seconds and suffer damage over time. On its own, the weapon is also impressive, and any Strength/Faith or Paladin hybrids can’t go wrong with this one.

Maliketh’s Black Blade Ash of War: Destined Death Skill

Destined Death is the default weapon skill for Maliketh’s Black Blade, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 40 FP to cast.

Set free the remnants of Destined Death, plunging the greatsword into the ground to summon a myriad of blades.In addition to dealing immediate damage, this attack reduces the enemy’s maximum HP and continues to wear down HP for a short time.

How To Get Maliketh’s Black Blade

To get Maliketh’s Black Blade, trade Maliketh’s Remembrance of the Black Blade
with Enia in Roundtable Hold after defeating the boss in Crumbling Farum Azula.


Winged Scythe

Weapons Skill: Angel’s Wings

Sacred scythe resembling a pair of white wings.

According to pagan belief, white-winged maidens are said to be Death’s gentle envoys.

Stat Requirements

Strength 16, Dex 16, Faith 24

Base Scaling

Strength (E), Dexterity (D), Faith (D)

The Winged Scythe
is an incredibly underrated weapon that gives a good boost to some Faith builds looking to become overpowered later on. It’s slow when compared to other scythes, but the weapon makes up for it with its impressive skill. It deals holy damage while sweeping a large area, making it useful for multiple targets.


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The scythe is also great against enemies who are lightly armored since it also comes with inherent Bleed damage. Pair that with the weapon skill, which deals multiple hits, and Faith builds can easily tap into the overpowered Bleed territory.

Winged Scythe Ash of War: Angel’s Wings Skill

Angel’s Wings is the default Ash of War for the Winged Scythe, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 17 FP to cast.

Jump and imbue the wing-blade of the armament with light, then deliver a slashing attack on the enemy.

The white wings impede recovery actions using a flask of tears.

How To Get Winged Scythe

The Winged Scythe can be found in the Tombsward Ruins in the Weeping Peninsula
. Head to the center of the ruins and open the chest that is found underground after a set of stairs.


Godslayer’s Greatsword

Weapon Skill: The Queen’s Black Flame

Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.

The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword.

Stat Requirements

Strength 20, Dexterity 22, Faith 20

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dexterity (D), Faith (D)

For paladins who are tired of being sanctimonious and always dealing Holy damage, the Godslayer’s Greatsword
is a great choice. It’s obtainable after a rather tough boss fight in a rather tough area, but the payoff is worth it. Since the Godslayer’s Greatsword is classified as a Colossal Weapon, it staggers enemies nicely.

But of course, its main draw will always be the weapon skill. This imbues the sword with copious amounts of Black Flame and increases its range before some nasty diagonal slashing actions. Seeing as fire could get easily buffed by some talismans and other Incantations, it’s easy for this weapon to become overpowered.

Godslayer’s Greatsword Ash of War: The Queen’s Black Flame Skill

The Queen’s Black Flame is the default weapon skill for the Godslayer’s Greatsword, and cannot be altered. This skill costs X FP to cast.

Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.

The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword.

How To Get Godslayer’s Greatsword

Tarnished can pick the Godslayer’s Greatsword up after defeating the Godskin Apostle (Divine Tower of Caelid)
at the Divine Tower Of Caelid.


Blasphemous Blade

Weapons Skill: Taker’s Flame

Sacred sword of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy.

Remains of the countless heroes he has devoured writhe upon the surface of this blade.

Now they share the same blood, bound together as family.

Stat Requirements

Strength 22, Dexterity 15, Faith 21

Base Scaling

Strength (D), Dexterity (D), Faith (D)

Speaking of Faith great weapons that become overpowered, the Blasphemous Blade
easily comes out on top. It’s a boss weapon, so that evens out its overpowered nature, but this thing can still trivialize all boss fights. It’s all thanks to the weapon skill, Taker’s Flames, which deals incredible amounts of fire damage.

That’s easily buffed with talismans, Incantations, and the Physick Flask. If players get creative and resourceful enough, they can make Taker’s Flames deal 4,000 to 6,000 points of fire damage in a single hit. Once they do, most bosses won’t survive multiple hits.

Blasphemous Blade Ash of War: Taker’s Flames Skill

Taker’s Flames is the default weapon skill for the Blasphemous Blade, and cannot be altered. This skill costs 30 FP to cast.

Sacred sword of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy.

Remains of the countless heroes he has devoured writhe upon the surface of this blade.

Now they share the same blood, bound together as family.

Some HP is restored upon defeating an enemy.

How To Get Blasphemous Blade

The Blasphemous Blade can be obtained after trading in the Remembrance of the Blasphemous
with Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Rykard.

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Elden Ring


February 25, 2022


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence

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