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Best Weapons You Can Pick Up And Use In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle


  • The whip stuns and disarms enemies, providing flexibility in combat.
  • The frying pan offers quick hits with a satisfying damage output.
  • The sledgehammer provides high damage, durability and efficiency in combat.

While the character has always been primarily associated with two weapons (three if you count his fists), Indiana Jones will make plenty of use as players adventure with him. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. There are many fascists trying to stop him he has adventures all over the world. So, Indy will have to search the world to find items that can help him get the upper hand in battle.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: 8 Easter Eggs You Missed

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle features plenty of deep-cut references to the franchise’s storied past, and here are some of the best so far.

There will be a ton of objects littered around the levels Indiana Jones and the Great Circle From massive hammers that a player can pick up to use as weapons that can take down an enemy in one swing, to smaller items that take a little more hitting to knock them out. Each weapon has its advantages, but some are better to use than others. Here it is the best weapons that players can pick up and use Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

8 whip

Iconic Flair

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - The Whip

  • It’s easy to use and can help in the middle of a fight
  • An iconic weapon that helps the player feel like Indiana Jones

There are few things more synonymous with Indiana Jones than a trusty whip. This thing has been with him in every adventure, helping him cross the abyss to remove the weapon from the hand of the enemy. It only makes sense that the whip becomes a staple of this game that Indy can use at any moment.

He will use the whip to momentarily confuse the enemygiving the player time to move close and start swinging your fists or another weapon. He can also remove a weapon from an enemy, including if he is holding a weapon. It may not actually damage a target, but it’s still worth using.

7 Pan

Give a Satisfying Power

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Pan

  • Quick shots can also hit
  • It’s fun and funny to use

The Cauldron can be found early in the game as players explore the Vatican to uncover clues. It is a smaller weapon that allows Indy deliver quick blows to your opponents in rapid succession. With this, the player can deal pain without the enemy being able to respond in time.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: 10 Tips for Beginners

Those struggling to get the hang of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle will likely appreciate these helpful beginner tips.

Even better, the roaster is fast, but that doesn’t sacrifice much of the damage it can do. Just like being hit with a cast iron pan in real life hurts, it’s no different Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. It can be Knock out the enemy with a satisfying and funny sound.

6 Sledgehammer

A One Hit Miracle

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Sledgehammer

  • Can crush an enemy in one swing
  • He ends the fight before it even begins

This is the best thing about using a hammer feels like a cheat code. This massive weapon may take some time to bring Indy back, but once it connects with its target, they will be decommissioned almost immediately. This is one of the most powerful weapons a player can get.

Besides, has great longevity. While some other weapons break after a couple of swings, the hammer can last much longer. This means that Indy can use him in more than one shootout (as long as he has enough stamina).

5 hammer

Be Reliable

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Hammer

  • Simple and effective
  • Found everywhere

Following its big brother, the common hammer provides some broad power with faster strokes. Being able to buff consistently is always useful, and when it still delivers the damage it needs, it makes it even better.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Monkey Business Secret (Equipment Room Key Location)

Some mischievous monkeys stole valuables, including the key to the equipment room in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

It doesn’t have the durability of a sledgehammer, but it can still last quite a while smashing several enemies before being changed. It is worth it for the benefits it provides.

4 Drilling

Beat them hard

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Pickaxe

  • Another quick but powerful option
  • Great for any occasion

Boots are another option Indiana Jones and the Great Circle that players can use it to deliver quick, efficient strikes to their competitors. After being hit, it can completely keep the hit enemy on its feet. This is one of the best weapons a person can find in the game and should not pass it up when it happens.

It just delivers exactly what a gamer would look for in a gun it holds its own in almost any combat scenario. It’s not the most powerful weapon out there, but it’s still one of the best. When Indy is busy fighting instead of solving puzzlesplayers could do worse.

3 Guitar

Musical Slam

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - TNT

  • It’s not as fun as hearing the twang when combined
  • Deals fair damage

The guitar is not the most powerful weapon in the gamebut it’s absolutely the most fun to use. When Indy scores a hit with this tool, there is a loud knocking that players can hear, worth using every time. It’s a simple reason to love this gun, but once a player tests it, they’ll understand why it’s so much fun to use.

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How to Solve the Thief’s Promise Mystery in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

A Thief’s Promise is a mystery involving Indiana Jones locating a missing Nazi soldier in the Gizeh region and the Great Circle desert.

That’s the only issue it doesn’t do much damage. However, it’s enough to make it worth using. In one-on-one combat, it can easily help a player survive.


Boom Them

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - TNT

  • A powerful weapon that Indy can use from afar
  • It should explain itself

The most Indiana Jones and the Great Circleof Combat is focused on stealthand only when things get out of hand will Indy have to go with guns blazing. However, sometimes the best weapons are the ones that immediately sound loud, and that’s exactly what TNT does here.

Lighting a fuse and throwing dynamite at an unsuspecting enemy can result in some of the funniest moments of the entire game. When used at the right time, it also makes the whole experience very cinematic, with Indy literally dodging the dangers around him.

1 Spade

Bury them with Heavy Damage

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Shovel

  • One of the best damage output of any weapon
  • It’s easy to find

A shovel can be the best weapon a player can find Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. He has some of the best damage in the game and also comes with good durability, meaning he can do one player deliver a good amount of hits before reaching them. It can knock down enemies with ease, something only a few other weapons in the game can do.

Moreover, he too It seems easier to find compared to other weapons like it. Players will likely find that they can choose one in many situations throughout the game.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Tag Page Cover Art

He was released
December 9, 2024

OpenCritic Rating

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