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Best Places To Maximize Insight Gain In Infinity Nikki

It’s a common system for free-to-play gacha games like time-gating Infinity Nikki. This is designed to keep players playing at a steady pace and not completing everything on the first day. In Infinity Nikkithis comes in the form of Vital Energy used for the time-gate system Collect rewards from Realm Challenges.

One realm seems particularly unique because it gives Insight. So what does Insight do and how can players do it? log in quickly Infinity NikkiIt’s something stylists can figure out along the way.



Infinity Nikki – Kindled Inspiration: Yesterday That Quest Guide

In the quest for Yesteryear’s She in Infinity Nikki, players must buy the outfit that Major Lilina often wears and show Albert a special skirt.


How to get Insight

Insight is a type EXP included Infinity Nikki which players can earn by completing special tasks related to gathering materials. There are five types of insight:

  • Collection Insight

  • Insight That Catches Errors

  • Fishing Insight

  • The concept of animal care

  • Combat Insight

Players can gain a varying number of Insights, from one to five, depending on the quality of the materials they pick up.

Collection Insight


Insight EXP

Gray, Brown, Blue




Combat Insight


Insight EXP



Bug Catching, Fishing and Animal Care Review


Insight EXP










Daily Insight Capacity

how to get essence in infinity nikki - heart of infinity - fishing

There is a daily limit for each Insight earnings Infinity Nikki:

Daily Insight Capacity at Infinity Nikki


200 Insights

Fighting, Bug Catching, Fishing and Animal Care Insight

100 Insights

Contents Infinity Nikki It respawns after 24 hours, so players can make Insight farming a daily task.

Players can also trade Vital Energy Infinity Nikki In the World of Foods to get concepts faster. This does not count towards daily capacity as it costs you energy. In general, it’s best to naturally gather insights in the wild on a daily basis, but players with limited time can use this feature to increase their Insight EXP.


What are Insights for?

Insight is used to unlock some nodes in Infinity Heart. Doing so will provide players with an outfit sketch or skill collect the essence Infinity Nikki from certain regions. In summary, here’s what players need to upgrade their Insight-related Infinity Heart nodes:






Sketch #1




Upgrade #1




Get Essence from the Memorial Mountains and Florawish areas.

Sketch #2




Upgrade #2




Get the Essence from the Breezy Meadow area.

Upgrade #3




Collecting high-quality materials in Memorial Mountains, Florawish and Breezy Meadow offers a chance to win double rewards.

While collecting Insight, some creatures may escape if players do not sneak away. In this case, players can simply teleport, then come back, or log out of the main menu and log in again. The creature will be in the same place again.


Trees of Chronos

How to get and find Left Fruit and Mask Ganaks in Infinity Nikki

There are five Locations of Chronos Trees in Forests of Desire Infinity Nikki. Chronos Trees is where players can get Left Fruit, Star Fruit and Mask Wings. Left Fruit and Star Fruit are purple rarities that give two Insights, and Maskwing is a blue rare bug that gives three Insights.

Sol Fruit is the day version and Stellar Fruit is the night version.

Players who visit these five places will give 27 Sol Fruit/Stellar Fruit (54 Collection Insight) and 12 Maskwing (36 Bug-Catching Insight).


Bullet Residence

Bullquet Habitat Lakeside Hill Lane is west of the Warp Spire. There, players can catch three Bustleflies flying over Bullquet’s head, then brush Bullquet to get Bullquet Felt worth five Animal Care Insights. Next, time passes Infinity Nikki around midnight to spawn 12 more Bustleflies.

In general, players will receive Five Pet Care Insights + 45 Bug-Catching Insights.


in socks

Players looking for high-quality bugs can hunt the hard one Enter Socko Infinity NikkiAvailable at seven locations around Florawish and Breezy Meadow. In general, players can collect 35 Mistake-Catching Insights From seven places, on top of some nearby items like Wool Fruits.


Astral Feather and Feather of Dawn

Purple materials not only give five Insights each, but players can collect some of them once per day. Take the Astral Feather and Dawn Feather of the Dawn Foxfor example. These items can only be obtained from one creature, limiting collection to one per day. Thankfully, two majestic animals add up 10 Concept of animal care.


Night Velvet, Rose Velvet and Bibcoon Furball

Although they are not considered purple because they are not considered a legendary beast Swans at the Swan Gazebo and Bibcoon by Bibcoon Club is also unique because there is only one of them on the map. Visiting these three points will give a gift Nine Pet Care Insights.


Stoneville – Floral Fleece and more

The next best place to get Animal-Grooming Insight is Stoneville. Hunt the six (or seven if you want to wander far) Floral Fleeces in the area to win 18 The concept of animal care. In the process, players can also brush off normal Florist Sheep or Bowlers, who each give one Insight; or Beretsants who give two concepts.

Stylists can too if needed care for the Hanging Weasels in the area. Each also gives three Insights. There are 11 of them nearby (12 if you walk in the far south), i.e 33 Animal care information. Additionally, this area is full of bugs, making it the perfect place to collect all sorts of Insights.


Stoneville and Star Fishing Area

For Fishing Insight, players can first follow the river flowing through Stoneville. Each should yield four to seven Insights, meaning you can win 48 to 84 Fishing Conceptsdepending on your luck.

Afterwards, head to the Starfish Hunting Grounds where you can hunt for the legendary Tulletail five fishing concepts. Tulletail is only available on the swell in the middle of the island. Here are 10 fishing spots that, when combined with Stoneville spots, should round out the 100 you need.


Combat Insight

Finally, the following areas for Combat Insight are especially full of Esselings:

  • Abandoned Fanatic Desire Camp

  • Ruins of the Queen’s Palace

  • I wish Woods

  • Caves

Players can also go to the ruins south of the Relic Hill Warp Spire, where they can obtain an outfit sketch to complete their game. Kindled Inspiration: In Search of Animal Traces Infinity Nikki. About 20 enemies are in the ruins and four are on the way to it.

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