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Best Opening Lines In Survival Horror Games


  • Solemn reflection – Joel’s first line in The Last of Us 2 hints at the internal struggle he faces after saving Ellie.
  • Mysterious origin – Metro: Last Light’s opening quote hints at a storyline digging deeper into the Dark Ones’ origins.
  • Desolate Earth – Dead Space 2’s intro line sets the scene for humanity’s dire situation, linking to the game’s major themes.

When players load up a brand-new survival horror game, they will usually have little idea of what sort of nightmarish adventure they’ve just subscribed to. As fans of the genre will know, survival horror games tend to feature ambitious and mind-bending stories. That is why it’s so important for the opening line to draw players into the experience by preparing them for what’s to come.

Many quotes from survival horror games have gone down as iconic because of how impactful and memorable they were. However, it’s surprising to see how many of these are the first lines uttered within their respective games. It’s a testament to the writers of these games to be able to hook ther audience with a single line.


8 Most Heroic Survival Horror Protagonists

These survival horror protagonists didn’t just survive their respective nightmares, they managed to come out heroes thanks to their actions.


“I Don’t Know What Happened. I Was Supposed To Take Her To The Fireflies And Walk Away.”

The Last Of Us Part 2: Joel Reflects On His Controversial Actions

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


June 19, 2020

OpenCritic Rating


After the intense final scene during the climax of The Last of Us, fans would be forced to await the sequel until they could learn how Joel truly wrestled with his decision to take Ellie from the Fireflies, ridding the world of a potential cure. Naughty Dog knew this was something fans were begging to see, and as a result, made it clear from the beginning of the second game that Joel himself is baffled by the whole situation.

Joel, unfortunately, only gets a brief amount of screen time in the sequel. However, this opening line assured players that his relationship and fatherly bond with Ellie would still be at the heart of the narrative, even if Joel isn’t there physically to witness Ellie’s growth and maturity throughout the game.


“The Dark Ones Came Much Later…From The Gardens’ Direction”

Metro: Last Light Makes Players Feel Like They Stepped Into A Conversation They Weren’t Supposed To

Metro: Last Light Redux

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


August 25, 2014

OpenCritic Rating


While Metro 2033 kept the identity of the Dark Ones a mystery for much of its runtime, Metro: Last Light lets players know from the start that this story will dig deeper into the origins of these mysterious beings. Even those who haven’t played the original will still be drawn in by this sinister quote, which begs the question of what the Dark Ones actually are, along with their true intentions.


8 Most Experimental Survival Horror Games

The developers of these survival horror titles decided to experiment with a few unique mechanics and systems to create a fresh experience.

Creating an aura of mystery in the first line of a game is an easy way to get players intrigued, and this is a prime example. It establishes the focus of the game, while also pulling in players because of how abrupt it is, as if they’ve entered into a conversation that wasn’t meant for them to hear.


“By The 25th Century, Earth’s Resources Were Ravaged, Consumed, Exhausted.”

Dead Space 2: Humanity Can Take Their Chances On A Desolate Earth, Or In Space


January 25, 2011

This introductory line to the sequel of the critically acclaimed Dead Space is a thought-provoking quote that feeds into the game’s major premise and central themes. Dead Space 2 explores the idea of humans branching out into space in order to acquire fresh resources through the use of planet crackers. But as seen in the first game, this kind of exploration can have disastrous results, especially when the Markers are involved.

As a result, players are already aware of the dangers that lurk in space, yet this line reminds them of humanity’s distressing situation. It therefore hits even harder for those who played the first game. It also forces players to think about how it relates to the real world because of how eerily realistic it seems.


“No…No…No…This Is Not Happening.”

The Evil Within 2: Sebastian’s Traumatic Memory Ends Up Motivating Him Later On

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


October 13, 2017

OpenCritic Rating


The Evil Within 2 wastes no time getting into the story, though things don’t look too hopeful for Sebastian to begin with. He says this desperate line in the first few moments of the game, while watching his family’s house being burned to the ground. It’s a terrifying sight, but this comment emphasizes the helplessness that will weigh on his conscience for many years after.

In order to justify Sebastian hopping back into STEM, which almost cost him his life when he did it during the first game, there had to be a reward involved that he couldn’t turn down. This would take the form of his daughter, Lily, whom he thought had died in the house fire. Now, he would have a second chance to save her by navigating his way through STEM once again.


“Please, Blake. Where Are You? I’m Scared.”

Outlast 2 Keeps Players In The Dark, Building Suspense And Tension

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


April 25, 2017

OpenCritic Rating


When the original Outlast came out in 2013, it blew players away with its creepy visuals and unnerving gameplay, making for a truly terrifying experience that Red Barrels would have the difficult task of trying to replicate in the sequel. However, players were assured from the very first line of this second game that it would be just as dark and twisted as the first.

The line immediately introduces the protagonist, Blake. It then makes players wonder where he even is, and more importantly, who is asking him these questions, considering the screen is black for the entire sequence. It’s an eerie introduction to a survival horror game packed full of nightmare fuel that surpassed many fans’ expectations.


“1998…I’ll Never Forget It.”

Resident Evil 4 Emphasizes How Nightmarish The Raccoon City Fiasco Was

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


, PS3
, PS2
, Xbox One
, Xbox 360
, Switch
, Wii
, Nintendo GameCube
, PC
, Android
, iOS


January 11, 2005

OpenCritic Rating


Resident Evil 4 is essentially a standalone story that feels disconnected from the rest of the series. However, it does kick things off with a callback to the most infamous event in the series;: the Raccoon City Incident. In the original Resident Evil 4, this line shows that Leon is deeply haunted by the hell he had to endure after finding himself in the middle of the outbreak.


Resident Evil: 6 Characters Who Hate Leon The Most

It’s hard not to love the wise-cracking and effortlessly cool Leon Kennedy, but believe it or not, some characters have come to hate his guts.

This opening line was a subtle nod to the fans, who had waited so long for Resident Evil 4 to come out, but who also still remembered the legendary originals that set the stage for what was to come. Leon’s experiences in Raccoon City ultimately molded him into the character fans know today, for better or for worse.


“Back To The Beginning. We All Come To A Story With Hopes And Expectations, Looking For An Answer.”

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


October 27, 2023

OpenCritic Rating


Alan Wake 2 is an ambitious psychological horror game that features a very compelling, albeit quite complex, story. At the core of the narrative, though, is the idea of stories, and in this case, how a story can affect the real world and the people who reside within it. This is something both Alan and Saga come to learn as the game goes on.

Before things get too crazy, Alan sets the stage for the player by referencing his role as the ‘author’ in the story. He also grants them a glimpse into the philosophical tone of much of the game’s dialogue, especially Alan’s internal monologues.


“Mary…Could You Really Be In This Town?”

Silent Hill 2: James Shows Signs Of Being An Unreliable Narrator From The First Line

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:


September 25, 2001


Team Silent

OpenCritic Rating


For much of Silent Hill 2, James Sunderland comes across as an unreliable protagonist who clearly is in a state of disillusion. However, at first, there does seem to be at least some truth to what he’s saying as he explains his mission to find his wife, who he had thought was dead, in Silent Hill. Before James even begins to spill the details, though, he first ponders whether this whole thing makes sense to begin with.

James second guessing himself is a character trait that shows itself more than once throughout the game. As a result, making it apparent in the very first line is an effective way to let players know more about James and his mental state going into the adventure, along with the basic premise of the story, all in one go.



22 Best Survival Horror Games Of All Time, Ranked

Sometimes in a game, just surviving to the end is the goal. These are the best survival horror games of all time.

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