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Best Food For Luck In Stardew Valley


  • Magic Rock Candy offers +5 Luck without requiring cooking, is available in many locations, and is ideal for trips to the Skull Cave.
  • +3 Lucky and long-lasting Lucky Lunch is easily obtainable and is one of the best choices for luck lovers in Stardew Valley.
  • Pumpkin Soup has a simple recipe, offers +2 Luck, and is great for early game mining as it boosts luck and defense.

In Stardew Valleythe main chance can be checked through the Fortune Teller on the farmhouse television. Each day, players are assigned a random lucky number between -0.1 (unlucky) and 0.1 (lucky), which predetermines the odds. product quality and frequency.


Stardew Valley: 10 Things To Do If You’re Bored

For those who are bored with the Stardew Valley experience, here are some things that can make the game even better.

There are several ways players can influence luck in the game, such as receiving a Luck Blessing from a player. Statue of Blessings or wears Lucky Ring. This thread will highlight the best dishes Stardew Valley increasing the odds by considering additional enthusiasts, durations, and ease of acquisition.

1 Magical rock candy

A Multi-Purpose Snack

magic rock candy

  • Buff(s): +5 Luck, +5 Defense, +5 Attack, +2 Mining, +1 Speed
  • Duration: 8m 24s

Magical rock candy It is the only food on this list that cannot be cooked. However, it is can be bought or bought as a reward in several places throughout the game. With strong stat buffs including a unique +5 chance boost, it stands as one of the best dishes in the game.

Every Thursday, Desert Trader offers a Magic Rock Candy for three Prismatic fabric. Although expensive, it is a worthwhile investment for a trip to Skull Cave. Players can also receive a gift after donating 90 items to the Museum, or the 22nd reward from the Reward Machine in Lewis’ house. In addition, it has a rare chance to appear Mystery box or Golden Secret Boxor thrown by Haunted Skulls.

2 Happy Lunch

Huge Duration and Success Increase

happy lunch

Players unlock the recipe Happy Lunch 2 from the sauce queen in the spring of 28, although the dish was previously available from various places. Stardew Valley. Appears randomly in Stardrop Parlor’s stock, Crobus‘ shop on Saturdays and the Travel Cart is less likely to be found in the Dumpster outside the Hall.

1:42 a.m


Stardew Valley: Stardrop Hall Guide

Let’s explore the bustling social hub in Stardew Valley known as The Stardrop Lounge.

Additionally, you’ll find a Lucky Lunch or two at both Mystery box and Golden Secret Boxone is awarded as a reward for completing the Treasure Hunter Pack at the Community Center. Due to its long duration and strong appeal, Lucky Lunch is one of the best food options to increase your luck. Stardew Valley.

3 Pumpkin soup

Simple to make and grants +2 Success

    pumpkin soup

  • Buff(s): +2 Luck, +2 Defense
  • Duration: 7m 41s
  • Recipe: 1 Pumpkin1 Milk

Like Lucky Lunch, Pumpkin soup Has a chance to appear in the salon’s rotating stock, Crobus‘ on Saturday in the Dumpster outside the shop and Hall. Players can also occasionally find 5 Pumpkin Soups as part of Treasure Rooms In the Skull Cave.

Pumpkin soup recipe by mail Robin at 7 hearts, but the food can usually be obtained before then as part of the Traveling Merchant stand at the Ice Festival for 250g. Pumpkin Soup is a great option for mining, especially at the beginning of the game when health is at its lowest, as it increases both luck and defense.

4 Banana pudding

A good choice for mines

banana pudding

  • Buff(s): +1 Luck, +1 Mining, +1 Defense
  • Duration: 5m 1s
  • Recipe: 1 Banana1 Milk1 Sugar

Banana pudding is rare in Stardew ValleyHis only resource – apart from cooking – is to show up from time to time Supply box Farmhouse on beach farm after two upgrades.


Stardew Valley: All Farm Maps, Ranked

Stardew Valley offers players eight different Farm Maps to choose from. Here’s how they rank in difficulty from easiest to hardest.

The recipe for Banana Pudding can be purchased from the Island Trader on Ginger Island for 30 Bone fragmentreasonable price considering the valuable stat boosts. While it takes some time to get into Island Trader, the simplicity of the recipe makes it easy to cook in bulk once unlocked.

5 Spicy eel

Lasts a long time and is easy to find

    spicy eel

  • Buff(s): +1 Luck, +1 Speed
  • Duration: 7 m
  • Recipe: 1 Eel1 Hot pepper

Spicy eel provides a valuable boost to both luck and speed, making it a great choice for trips to the mines or Skull Cave. Up to 5 Spicy Eels can be purchased for 10 from the Calico Egg Merchant at the Desert Festival Calico Egg each one. The recipe for the dish is mailed when players reach 7 hearts George.

In the Skull CaveSpicy Eel has a 6% chance to drop from slain snakes, making it relatively easy to find during very difficult mine runs. Moreover, 5 Spicy Eels can be obtained as a reward from the Reward Machine and can also be rewarded. Stage Eel Fish ponds.

6 Fried eel

Easy Recipe and Good Duration

fried eel

  • Buff(s): +1 Good luck
  • Duration: 7 m
  • Recipe: 1 Eel1 Oil

Recipe for Fried eel As can be obtained, Spicy Eel is available before George 3 hearts instead of 7. With its simple ingredients and long-lasting effects, Fried Eel is a great choice for success. Stardew Valleythe game lasts about half a day.

As for the food itself, it can seem like a part of it casually Crobus‘ shop on Saturday, in trash can outside the hallor the Hall’s revolving stock. Like many other food products, a fried eel can also be found Mystery box.

7 Ginger Ale

Gives a quick boost

ginger ale

  • Buff(s): +1 Good luck
  • Duration: 5 m
  • Recipe: 3 Ginger1 Sugar

Ginger Ale it can only be obtained by cooking and the recipe can be found in the Dwarf Shop in the Volcano Dungeon for 1000g. With abundance Ginger Found on Ginger Island, this recipe is pretty accessible and simple, meaning players can make plenty of these throughout the game to quickly increase luck.


Stardew Valley: 10 Ways to Use Ginger Island Farm

Stardew Valley’s Ginger Island Farm can be put to great use in a variety of ways. These are some of the best.

As is Ginger Ale classified as a drinkits lovers can unite with those of foodstuff. For example, when paired with Magical rock candyincreases chance from +5 to +6, which can be very useful Stardew Valley.

Stardew Valley Tag Page Cover Art

Stardew Valley

He was released
February 26, 2016


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