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Avowed is certainly sounding like a great RPG for folks who like options, as Obsidian shares that almost every quest “has more than one way to start it”

Sure sounds like it’ll handle the quests a bit differently than other RPGs, as it turns out you’ll be able to start almost all of them in more than one way.

Obsidian The upcoming RPG Avowed sounds like it could be something pretty special if it turns out to be as interesting as the developer has described. The latest news about the unique picture-taking game comes from a recent interview GamesRadar with Berto Ritger, the game’s environment area designer, specifically about how the starting quests will work. “I think almost every task, if not every game, has more than one way to start it,” Ritger said. “You can do random things, take things and give them to people who want them, or kill a character or screw things up.

“You can approach a dungeon or vice versa from a different direction than you normally would. And we want you to be able to do that based on how you naturally progress through the world.” I personally love the sound of it, obviously games generally have their limitations and not every game can do everything, but the appeal of RPGs is their flexibility and I love the idea of ​​different players having different experiences. among all the tasks the game offers. “We just want to constantly foster that sense of exploration, wanderlust, and just getting lost in a nice way,” Ritger noted.

Ritger previously shared another interview he thinks “missing content” is the “core” of RPGs, and the fact that quests can start in more than one way is very much in line with that ethos.

And now you don’t have much time to wait for Avowed, as the game will be released in a few months on February 18th on Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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