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All Illnesses And How To Cure Them

PALWORLD The open world is an open world survival game, which combines elements of monsters such as Pokémon with Minecraft with similar construction mechanics. What does it build PALWORLD It also allows you to interact as resources for materials such as not only like the Companions, but also with Pals, but also the resource collecters for materials such as installations, craftsists and ores.

When you are always ready to help, you can develop diseases or injuries while working on your database. Some chicks can even develop excessive processing or food disorders. In severe cases, a pal is not unable to work. This guide may suffer from Pals on all diseases and injuries PALWORLDAs well as how to treat them. At the end of the guide, you will also find useful advice that will help prevent pals from ill.


Palworld: How to give clothes on clothes

Life in Palworld is sometimes unforgivable, but also for the next battle there is a way to keep both the player and the Pals healthy and safe.

List of diseases in Palworld

Palworld - a bad annoy rest

If you are neglected for a very long time, they can develop any of the following conditions PALWORLD:

  • Half-starved

  • Hunger

  • Overwhelming

  • Coldly

  • Splash

  • Break

  • Wound

  • Imbecile

  • Oppressed

  • Minor injury

  • Great injuries

  • Unskilled

If a pal is sick, his work efficiency will fall significantly and in extreme cases, can stop working. If there is a base aimed at resource agriculture, it is important for maximum efficiency by keeping the Palember at the top. Unfortunately, Pal AI is far from perfect, facilitates them to squeeze and get sick.

How to treat sick diseases in Palworld

Palworld Warsect Terra Pal

When a Pal is sick or injured, you need to feed the medication to treat them. Some conditions also require pals, deposits in the fields or deploy in Palbox. Below is a list of treatments for all diseases PALWORLD:


How to be treated


Set up a bait box and add food to it. Make sure you can reach your PAL’s feed box.



To feed low-grade medical supplies.




To feed medical supplies.



Feed high-class medical supplies.


Minor injury

Let Pal rest in bed.

Great injuries


Store the palata in a palbox for 10 minutes.


Palworld: Best Puppies for Medicine Production

Medicine is a valuable asset in Palworld to keep team members happy and vibrant. These Pals are the most efficient in medical production.

How to do drugs in Palworld

Palworld - Buy Medical Accessories-1

In order to make a drug PALWORLDYou will have to build Medical field And collect sources like bones, horns and ingots. Below are recipes for drugs needed to treat diseases PALWORLD:

When you’re new to the game and are engaged in sick points, it is the best solution to make a prepared medicine. However, due to the treatment of Pals, the recurring part of the game, some players can often find tedious to prepare medicine. In this case, drug purchase from merchants is a favorable alternative.

Palworld - Buy Medical Accessories

You can buy low-grade medical supplies, medical supplies and high-class medical supplies Traveler merchants in PALWORLD. Can often be found near PAL Merchant. If you have not yet encountered, you will find a merchant on the ruins of the Marsh Island and the other in the small residence of the other and another.

You can craft Meds control 10 elegant ingredients in electric or advanced medical work, 10 horns, 5 bones and 3 PAL liquid use. This drug is treated all the diseases and restores a Pal’s mind to 1000. You can also buy from a merchant who browsing 10,000 gold in a duneshelter.

Tips to prevent sickening in the pals

Palworld - Wumpo Botan rests in hot spring

There are several steps to ensure that you remain healthy if you can’t be completely free from the disease:

  • Create a bed for each pal – Like you, Pals need to sleep. If they do not rest enough, they become groggy, they are foolish and leaps during the day.
  • Keep the feed box with food – Hunger and hunger occur when they can’t get a pal food. This can happen due to lack of food
    Fodder box

    or pals because it cannot reach this. Place the feed box in a flat, accessible area to ensure that all Pals can use. If a pal starch is zero, it will suffer from a small injury, then a major injury and eventually becomes miserable.

  • Set up hot springs – Senelessness is especially important for constantly working pals. Embroidery
    Hot spring

    High quality hot spring

    will help Pals restores their mind.

  • Don’t finish you Pal – If you have established
    Monitoring Stand

    It may be tempting to force Pals to work more. It is useful when you need a large amount of resources, or when you need to craft a lot of resources, but there should be no permanent experience. Move to normal mode when work is done to prevent the majority of the coats.

Palworld label page coating art

Open world





19 January 2024


T for teen due to violence t

Developer (s)

Pocket Double, Inc.

Publisher (s)

Pocket Double, Inc.

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